Instagram for Business Owners 101

Instagram for Business Owners 101

If your target market uses Instagram, you would want your business to have an Instagram account. Here are five quick steps to begin utilizing it to help your business get more visibility. These are not only free but also efficient. When you start with any goal, set...
How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

While it is undoubtedly rewarding, being a small business owner can be challenging in an array of different ways. It is difficult at times to find the motivation to keep your best foot forward, especially when you primarily work independently. The Viziers Inc....
What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

Passion: noun, the concept of having, being compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. As entrepreneurs, we certainly know a thing or two about passion. Without it, we would not be able to take our businesses to new heights and possibilities....
How Efficient Is Your Business?

How Efficient Is Your Business?

“Spend time upfront to invest in systems and processes to make long-term growth sustainable.” – Jeff Platt There is no doubt that successful entrepreneurs are go-getters. We step out of our comfort zone and push ourselves to newer limits on a regular...
Did You Miss National Small Business Week?

Did You Miss National Small Business Week?

It has been three weeks since National Small Business Week. The irony is a lot of small business owners might not even have noticed their businesses were being celebrated nationally! Did you? We compiled a list of things you can do to celebrate your business...