“Spend time upfront to invest in systems and processes to make long-term growth sustainable.” – Jeff Platt There is no doubt that successful entrepreneurs are go-getters. We step out of our comfort zone and push ourselves to newer limits on a regular basis. We can be as innovative as we want with our business but sometimes we feel, we just do not have the bandwidth! That is the moment to take time out for your business and draw a bigger picture for yourself. A brain dump, if you will, of what you have been doing, what you need to do, and most importantly what you want to do. Then you get to work: 1. Streamline Processes Your business can be made efficient intrinsically by converting a lot of essential tasks you have been doing and need to do, into processes. Breakdown a task into the steps you would take to complete it, that step with the “extra oomph” part that you feel only you can do- well, that is where training comes in! You can train and motivate a team member to do it! It will take time initially but once setup, it will be like clockwork and you can just check-in, instead of needing to be the one to wind it every hour! Just typing that out makes me feel relief!

2. Embrace Technology There can be mistrust around technology, especially if you have come across the glitchy kind. However, embracing technology allows you & your team the bandwidth to further improve and grow your business! That is precisely why we love our SEO dashboard, it brings our customers insight, comprehensiveness, and the productivity that they need for online marketing.

3. Redesign your workflow and build a strong team On a daily basis, do you find yourself in communication that can get repetitive? Employees who are forgetting to check-in, customers who feel like they need to remind you to give them more attention? Or sometimes communication that you feel guilty about not getting to yourself? For instance, blog posts you have posted but do not look back on, surveys you sent out but did not see what the responses are? The list can be endless. Once you have prioritized your tasks, it will be easier for you to create a workflow and assign it to your team members. Delegate more and you will find your team more involved and motivated.

Working hard and working smart can sometimes be two very different things! Setting up your business to become efficient can take some time but once done, it allows you to focus on growth! So, what are some areas you would like more efficiency in?