Latest from The Viziers Blog: Tips and Insights

Content Ideas to Spice Up Your Digital Presence

Content Ideas to Spice Up Your Digital Presence

Writer’s block for content creators is a very real thing, and to be frank: it's the worst. Constantly coming up with new ideas for content can be so exhausting. It sometimes feels like you are grasping at straws trying to gather some creativity to...

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Business Description: Where do I start?

Business Description: Where do I start?

Picture this: you’re opening up accounts for your small business on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, etc… and then comes the question of “business description” or “bio”. How do you accurately encapsulate the hours of...

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Work-Life Balance as a Small Business Owner

Work-Life Balance as a Small Business Owner

“According to the annual Women In the Workplace report from McKinsey & Co. and LeanIn.Org, which polled more than 65,000 North American employees, 42% of women and 35% of men reported feeling burned out often or almost always in 2021.”

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The Key to Keywords

The Key to Keywords

Where is the first place you go when you want to find something online?  If your answer wasn’t Google, you’re probably living under a rock. But seriously, Google is the go-to spot for all internet related needs. But have you ever thought about how...

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Turning Mistakes into Second Chances

Turning Mistakes into Second Chances

Mistakes are inevitable, there is no doubt about that.  Unfortunately, knowing mistakes are possible doesn’t make them suck any less.  ...Somebody had to say it. However, there is one method that can help keep mistakes from pushing you...

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Are You Ignoring Your Intuition?

Are You Ignoring Your Intuition?

Intuition: an ability to understand or know something without needing to think about it or use reason to discover it As a small business owner, intuition is everything. Intuition revolves less around logical reasoning and more around the way...

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Don’t Let Decisions Drag You Down

Don’t Let Decisions Drag You Down

Decisions, decisions… As a small business owner, decisions are a vital part of your daily job. Being the leading force of an operation comes with a constant load of responsibilities, and all of these responsibilities fall back on your ability to...

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Small Business Challenges 101 – Hiring Employees

Small Business Challenges 101 – Hiring Employees

So you have started up your small business. Congratulations! Things are going great and it’s looking like you may have some success coming your way. But what happens when that success gets to be too much for just one person? Along with that, how do...

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The Best Success Mantras for Entrepreneurship

The Best Success Mantras for Entrepreneurship

“Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.” - Robin Sharma Not only is this quote applicable in your treatment to others and yourself, but it is especially useful in your treatment of your business! Mindset is a gamechanger, and...

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Small Business Challenges 101 – Growth

Small Business Challenges 101 – Growth

Did you know that 82% of small business owners work over 40 hours per week? Well of course you did. You know it first hand. You work yourself down to the bone and give your all into each endeavor you encounter. You are willing to go to extreme...

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4 Easy Content Trends to Follow

4 Easy Content Trends to Follow

It is a constant plight for any and all content creators: how on Earth do I know exactly what kind of content is going to create and maintain an audience? It’s impossible to know 100% what is going to draw in viewers, but there is one reliable...

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The Hard Truth About Entrepreneurship

The Hard Truth About Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is certainly not for everyone. It is incredibly invigorating, yet undoubtedly challenging and exhausting. Entrepreneurship is a gilded endeavor, looking shiny and lucrative on the outside while being an unpredictable challenge on...

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Common Mistakes of Small Business Owners

Common Mistakes of Small Business Owners

Owning your own small business isn’t only an incredibly admirable feat, but it’s a feat that some people go into fairly blindly. There is so much to take care of all at once that you’re bound to fall into a few (or more, let’s be honest) common...

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6 Easy Ways to Improve Focus

6 Easy Ways to Improve Focus

There are very few things that are more frustrating than knowing what you have to do, trying to do it, and not being able to. Typically, this inability to complete tasks comes down to one thing: focus. One’s ability to focus is a surefire indicator...

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Google My Business and How to Navigate It

Google My Business and How to Navigate It

You probably see it all the time when you’re going about your daily life. Whether you’re trying to figure out where to go for dinner or a place with a reasonable price for a haircut, you do a quick Google search to see what comes up. However, how...

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How to Create A Budget for Your Small Business

How to Create A Budget for Your Small Business

When it comes to starting up and maintaining a small business, there is no shortage of various things to stay on top of. This includes but isn’t limited to marketing, building a digital presence, getting involved in your community, developing a...

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How to Enhance Your Customer Service

How to Enhance Your Customer Service

As an entrepreneur, you certainly have all of your ducks in a row. You’re working towards high efficiency and productivity, building a reputation, and most of all creating a product that you know customers will love. But there’s one catch… where do...

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Burnout: How to Avoid or Work Through It

Burnout: How to Avoid or Work Through It

Productivity is essential to the growth of a business and as small business owners, we do everything we can to maximize our daily output. However, it is all too easy to unknowingly let this chase get the best of you. Sometimes, we work ourselves...

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Instagram for Business Owners 101

Instagram for Business Owners 101

If your target market uses Instagram, you would want your business to have an Instagram account. Here are five quick steps to begin utilizing it to help your business get more visibility. These are not only free but also efficient. When you start...

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How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

While it is undoubtedly rewarding, being a small business owner can be challenging in an array of different ways. It is difficult at times to find the motivation to keep your best foot forward, especially when you primarily work independently. The...

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What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

Passion: noun, the concept of having, being compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. As entrepreneurs, we certainly know a thing or two about passion. Without it, we would not be able to take our businesses to new heights and...

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How Efficient Is Your Business?

How Efficient Is Your Business?

"Spend time upfront to invest in systems and processes to make long-term growth sustainable." - Jeff Platt There is no doubt that successful entrepreneurs are go-getters. We step out of our comfort zone and push ourselves to newer limits on a...

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let’s talk about your business