Latest from The Viziers Blog: Tips and Insights

Content Ideas to Spice Up Your Digital Presence

Content Ideas to Spice Up Your Digital Presence

Writer’s block for content creators is a very real thing, and to be frank: it's the worst. Constantly coming up with new ideas for content can be so exhausting. It sometimes feels like you are grasping at straws trying to gather some creativity to...

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4 Easy Content Trends to Follow

4 Easy Content Trends to Follow

It is a constant plight for any and all content creators: how on Earth do I know exactly what kind of content is going to create and maintain an audience? It’s impossible to know 100% what is going to draw in viewers, but there is one reliable...

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The Hard Truth About Entrepreneurship

The Hard Truth About Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is certainly not for everyone. It is incredibly invigorating, yet undoubtedly challenging and exhausting. Entrepreneurship is a gilded endeavor, looking shiny and lucrative on the outside while being an unpredictable challenge on...

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6 Easy Ways to Improve Focus

6 Easy Ways to Improve Focus

There are very few things that are more frustrating than knowing what you have to do, trying to do it, and not being able to. Typically, this inability to complete tasks comes down to one thing: focus. One’s ability to focus is a surefire indicator...

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Google My Business and How to Navigate It

Google My Business and How to Navigate It

You probably see it all the time when you’re going about your daily life. Whether you’re trying to figure out where to go for dinner or a place with a reasonable price for a haircut, you do a quick Google search to see what comes up. However, how...

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How to Create A Budget for Your Small Business

How to Create A Budget for Your Small Business

When it comes to starting up and maintaining a small business, there is no shortage of various things to stay on top of. This includes but isn’t limited to marketing, building a digital presence, getting involved in your community, developing a...

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How to Enhance Your Customer Service

How to Enhance Your Customer Service

As an entrepreneur, you certainly have all of your ducks in a row. You’re working towards high efficiency and productivity, building a reputation, and most of all creating a product that you know customers will love. But there’s one catch… where do...

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Instagram for Business Owners 101

Instagram for Business Owners 101

If your target market uses Instagram, you would want your business to have an Instagram account. Here are five quick steps to begin utilizing it to help your business get more visibility. These are not only free but also efficient. When you start...

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How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated in 2021

While it is undoubtedly rewarding, being a small business owner can be challenging in an array of different ways. It is difficult at times to find the motivation to keep your best foot forward, especially when you primarily work independently. The...

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What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

What Does It Mean To Be Passionate?

Passion: noun, the concept of having, being compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. As entrepreneurs, we certainly know a thing or two about passion. Without it, we would not be able to take our businesses to new heights and...

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How Efficient Is Your Business?

How Efficient Is Your Business?

"Spend time upfront to invest in systems and processes to make long-term growth sustainable." - Jeff Platt There is no doubt that successful entrepreneurs are go-getters. We step out of our comfort zone and push ourselves to newer limits on a...

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Did You Miss National Small Business Week?

Did You Miss National Small Business Week?

It has been three weeks since National Small Business Week. The irony is a lot of small business owners might not even have noticed their businesses were being celebrated nationally! Did you? We compiled a list of things you can do to celebrate...

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A Blog Post about Blogging

A Blog Post about Blogging

Are you getting Inception feels yet? Since a lot of our clients use our SEO Dashboard to track their keyword rankings and see how their local brand value is improving, we thought it was time to blog about blogging! This is one way to improve your...

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It’s National Staying Relevant Day

It’s National Staying Relevant Day

Disclaimer: We made that National Day up. However, browse the internet today, and you will come across a variety of National Days, Awareness Months, and trending hashtags. It is definitely not easy keeping track of all that goes on. However,...

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Using Social Media Marketing More Effectively

Using Social Media Marketing More Effectively

As small business owners, we have all been there! Starting with one idea that sparks joy and using all our energy, resources, and platforms to make it a success. It is akin to shooting laser beams out of your fingers, except not as seamless as you...

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5 Things To Do To Get 5 Stars

5 Things To Do To Get 5 Stars

Word-of-mouth is now online and it's permanent. In this digital age, from buying the right kind of water bottle on Amazon to choosing the best kind of Chinese food for dinner, reviews play a bigger role than we might give them credit for. By...

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Small Business Challenges 101 – Time

Small Business Challenges 101 – Time

The top three most challenging issues business owners face tend to be: 1) Not enough time in the day 2) Not enough profit to make the business fun and 3) The severe energy drain that makes work/life balance very tough (I know some of you might be...

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How To Create Engaging Content

How To Create Engaging Content

Who is your target audience and what do you see them connecting to? For example, if your target audience is parents, you can observe what parents engage with. Funny memes about the difficulties of parenting, easy riddles and trivia pop out (they...

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Building a Social Media Calendar 101

Building a Social Media Calendar 101

1. Keywords Start with the basics. What words do people use to look up businesses like yours? Our SEO dashboard shows you what your ranking is for those keywords. This way you know which ones you need to work on and you can build your social media...

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let’s talk about your business